Friday, January 30

Baking Pavlova: Lessons to learn

It feels like it has been quite a while that I didn't do any baking. The idea to try baking a pavlova was triggered when I saw the pics in facebook, that made me drool upon seeing it.

I imitated the recipe from joyofbaking website, and yes , the ingredients are easy to find in the market. I'm not going through the details of the process , but along the process, I learned a few lessons in order to  bake the meringue successfully, and rather, it was interesting learning process!

The lessons were:

1) all 4 eggs that are beaten should be baked at once, as I tried to divide the meringue into two portions, but it has ended up that the second portion slowly dissolved. plus , my first meringue became really thin and it was less drooling. huhu
2)  use as low temp at 100 degree c all the way. This helped greatly to avoid the meringue from being overbaked.
3) as for whip cream, do not mix  sugar and other ingredient when you first beat the whip cream. It turns to buttery form. Huwaaaaa~

Nonetheless , no matter how ugly it looked -my ugly pavlova,  my sibling love it that it has finished at one go. But in order to get the right-almost -perfect look pavlova, I bake my second attempt on the following day. This time I used the whip cream spray, easier and faster . And it turned out the second try looked wayyyy better . So , with that satisfaction, I can rest from any baking activity for another one or two months later. hihih

Friday, January 16

Shangri- La Putrajaya

I got another chance to explore luxury hotels in Putrajaya recently, so I chose to stay at Shangri La Putrajaya.

The location is a bit isolated from the hectic roads in Putrajaya. Situated on top of the hill, next to a palace, this business trip felt like a holiday.

The room has luxury of space in bedroom and even we can use valet parking at the front door to park our car. How cool is that.

This is rare,surely. 

Another thing I like about staying here is that they offer variety of breakfast choices, that I could sit there for hours savoring the delicacies. Ah well, for my case, I need to be there as early as 7 to eat to ensure that  I could reach my training class punctually, no?

Sunday, January 4

Twins of Faith 2014 : World of the Unseen

13th- 14th Dec2014

I've heard about this islamic conference since last year.  But only one year later,  the interest and curiosity of the conference crept in my mind..and so, I purchased the ticket!

Apart from lecture mode at the main auditorium, there was also workshops conducted concurrently at the other side of the complex.

So it went back to us to choose which speaker and topics that interest us more to listen. This annual conference lined up speakers from various countries across the globe. Therefore, the experiences when listening to these speakers were fantastic.

So here are some of key messages that I managed to jot down from the 2-day conference.

The signs of Allah by Sheikh Daood Butt

1) When you remember Him, your heart will shiver
2)We love Allah swt because he is the One that blesses us
3) We pray for Allah swt for His Blessings
4) We dont use His Blessings to displease Him

Important pillar in believing Qadr by Sheikh Muizz Bukhary

1)Allah swt knows everything i.e past, present, future
2)Believe that everything has been written that is 50,000 years before creation of heaven
3)Bring in our heart ; When Allah swt will someone to be guided, he will be guided BUT when Allah swt will him to lead astray, no one will be able to guide him. We have the free will, but Allah swt ALWAYS knows what option you going to choose.
4)Allah swt created every single thing. Our decision is the creation of Allah swt.

Duaa between the Seen and the Unseen - Dr Jamaan Al Zahrani

It was narrated that Rasulullah saw has said :
"There is no duaa of a muslim without response but:
1) Allah swt keep it from you to hereafter
2)Allah swt avoid from bad things happen to you."

Aisyah r.a said she knows Allah swt answers her duaa when she duaa with tears.

6 adab when make duaa ,
1)dont be hurry to get result
2)amal maaruf nahi mungkar
3)ensure halal income
4)have good heart to love muslim brothers and sister
5)seek Allah swt , good or bad time
6)make connection between ourselves and Allah swt.

The ultimate abode by sheikh Yahya Ibrahim

Jannah : No one has heard of it, no human heart can ever imagine it.

In jannah, grass is zaffron, the youth shall never departed.

Jannah is earned through trial.Allah swt hid jannah with all these :
1)loves the one who does not love him/her
2) restrains your anger

Some questions raised for us to ponder. Those imply our place to jannah.
1) How many juzuk of Al Quran you complete in a week?
2)How many solat have you done apart from solat fardhu?
3)Do you bring comfort to people of people relieve when you depart?
4)Are you source of comfort or source of trial to others?

Creations of smokeless fire by Sheikh Muizz Bukhary

Definition of jannah : hidden garded, no human has witnessed it, heard of it, crossed mind of human being.

Jin : Hidden from human sight, created before mankind from smokeless fire

Types of jin
1)jinni : general
2)(forget the name) :live with people
3)marid : evil, demonic
4)ghilan : disturb you, so call the athan
5)ifrit : fly to the air , take form of black snake

We can see the jin but not in the original form. Oldest individual living on the face of earth is Iblis (Azazil).
Iblis is a jin, not malaikat (angel)
Malaikat doesn't disobey Allah swt command.

Jin produces 9 at one birth

Rasulullah saw recites 3 Qul when he cannot sleep.
Read ayatul qudsi before sleep , and no devil will disturb you until morning.

Creatures of light by Sheikh Karim Abuzaid

1)When a sister loves another sister for the sake of Allah swt. , tell her.

2)If you want your spouse to love you, be obedient to Allah swt. Aishah r.a never jealous to the other wives but to Khadijah r.a.

3)Angels have different sizes. Jibril has 600 wings that block the horizon.

4)Jibril earlobe and shoulder takes 700 years to reach.

5)We cannot see the angels in angelic form unless Rasulullah saw.

6) At Kaabah, angels get only once in a lifetime visa to visit as the others are taking turn too.

7)In creation of Adam a.s , angels do not question His Command

Note : Ok. That's it. Hopefully it benefits us in any way possible.But at remote possibility, if there is any of the info above has some discrepancies, it is totally my bad.

Apart from learning session, there are also bazaar for shopping, yes shopping!

The organizer is also brilliant in their strategy to attract more participants by providing mother's room , and play and pray section. So parents can have some freedom to listen to the talk while the kids are having fun.

Sister's corner was set up for sisters to listen while having some relaxing activities such manicure and other spa services. Well, personally,lecture hall experience is still the best for me.

Some of the knowledge is the basic knowledge that we have known all our live. But then, there is something about the atmosphere, surrounded with people who crave for ilmu which make the feeling of being in the conference become another interesting life experience.

 All in all, I start to fall in love with the conference of this liking ,and I wish I will get the opportunity to join more of it in the future.

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