Sunday, November 23

Jeruk Mempelam Asam Boi- the recent craving phenomenal.

Skimming newsfeed on my FB page, it seems like many of my friends are 'talking' about this jeruk mempelam asam boi. Looking at the pictures that were posted, I didn't care less, initially.

Until one day when one of my officemates brought it to work. I started to get a taste of one piece and the rest is history. (Ok this might sound a bit drama la kann).

Yes I can opt for buying the ready made from the other friends at office (I'm telling you this jeruk is phenomenal at our place nowadays), but I decided to be rather thoughtful. Heh heh.

So I went to buy the mango , guave, asam boi ,chilies to give some hot flavour in it.Small chilies are the right choice, actually.

It is not that hard to do it, just chop and mix everything with some sugar altogether. The water from fruits will settle overnight, which will add flavour to this.

And I brought it to office, and voila! It lasted by lunch time. The mango that I bought were enoug for three days supplies of jeruk mangga asam boi for the team at office. I didn't actually eat much of them, for preparing and serving them to friends are enough to make me feel content about it. hi hi.

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